How contests work
Launching a contest
Managing your contest
Providing feedback
Choosing a winner and handover
- How do I award a winner?
- Can I ask for changes after I've picked a winner?
- How do I leave comments in my contest?
- What is a guaranteed design contest?
- What happens after I choose a winner?
- How do I increase the prize I'm offering?
- Which package should I choose for my contest?
- How do I guarantee my design contest?
- How long do I have to pick a winner?
- What are private messages? How do I send or read a private message?
- Can I choose how much I pay for a contest?
- What's the poll tool for?
- What can I expect from my 99designs Account Manager?
- Can I have more time to pick a winner?
- Can I hide my contest from search engines?
- Can I award more than one winner?
- Can I email the designers in my contest?
- I just listed my contest, but it's not on the Browse Contests page. Where is it?
- Can I cut my design contest short?
- What is a held contest?
- Can I remove the blind contest option?
- Is there a limit on the number of designs that can be submitted to a contest?
- Can I change the details of my design contest at a later date?
- My favorite design has been withdrawn from my contest. What can I do?
- Can I get my site coded on 99designs?
- How do I invite a designer to join my contest?
- How do I sign the Design Transfer Agreement?
- How can I protect my contest with an NDA?
- Do I have to revise my design during the Design handover?
- What is a private contest?