What happens after I choose a winner?

After you’ve chosen your contest winner, you enter the handover stage of the contest. This is where your designer will prepare your design files. You and the designer will have 5* days to confirm the files the designer uploads are correct. You can also use this time to work through any revisions you might need before they receive the prize money. 

* This period will be 10 days for the following contest types: Logo & hosted website, Logo & brand identity pack, Logo & social media pack, Logo & Business Card, Logo & Brand Guide

Reviewing files 

When you award your winner, the winning designer will start preparing your final design files. You’ll be notified to review the files after the designer has uploaded them. 

Before you view the files, you will sign the Design Transfer Agreement. Rest assured that signing the Design Transfer Agreement does not mean you are approving the files just yet. You can still work with your designer if the files need some small tweaks. The Design Transfer Agreement ensures that the designer transfers the legal ownership of the design to you. 


Can I ask for revisions during handover? 

All revisions are suggested to be made prior to awarding a winner. Designers typically provide minimal revisions for free and will be happy to do more detailed revisions for a reasonable price. 

Completing the contest

When you’re satisfied with the design files, you can approve the files and release payment to the designer. Otherwise, this happens automatically when the 5* day timer runs out.



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