100% Money-back guarantee? For real?!

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee within 60 days of payment on all contests except:

  1. Contests with a guaranteed prize
  2. Contests that have entered the Final round, since once you enter the Final round, your contest automatically becomes guaranteed.
  3. Contests where a winner has been awarded

Please note: Our 100% money-back guarantee policy is only for design contests that meet this criteria, and does not apply to 1-to-1 Projects.

Before considering the money-back guarantee, try the following:

Update your design brief

For best results, try and include 3-6 visual examples, and even include a Do’s and Don'ts list to let designers know what you like, and what you’re not interested in for your design.

You can edit your design brief at any time and it automatically saves. It’s important to alert your designers in the Messages section once any changes are made, to ensure they have the most updated information from you.

Extend the qualifying round

If you would like to see more designs, and allocate more time for your designers to work on their concepts, feel free to contact our Support Team to discuss your options for extending your qualifying round.

Give more feedback

Allocating time once or twice a day to give regular feedback to the designers can be really helpful for them to refine their designs. Leaving one star, declining designs, and letting the designer know in a comment you’re not interested in their work can also help you focus on the designs that are closer to your brand. 

Switch your contest to blind

If you feel the concepts you’re getting are repetitive or you would like to see more unique designs, you should consider switching your contest to blind. This feature doesn’t allow designers to see each other’s work, and can be a great tool to diversify the entries. If it is your first contest, you’ll need to contact our Support Team to add this on for you (don’t worry, it’s free!).

What happens to the designs?

Remember, if you ask for a refund on your contest, you aren’t legally entitled to use any of the designs submitted to your contest. If your contest is public, designers have the right to showcase their entries on their 99designs profile.

Guaranteed contests

If you’ve decided to offer a guaranteed prize, you’re guaranteeing to the design community that you will choose a winner, so your contest will not be eligible for a refund.

If you would like further assistance to re-write your brief, amend your contest, give feedback, or even get advice on your entries, don’t hesitate to give us a call — we’re here to help!

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