What is the Qualifying round?

The Qualifying round is the first stage of your contest, and it begins immediately after you pay for the contest. The Qualifying round lasts 4 days for all contests except Web Design, Wordpress Theme Design, and Mobile App Design, which last for 6 days in the Qualifying round.

During the Qualifying round, the contest is open to all designers who’d like to participate. They’ll find your contest by browsing through the contest listings.

It’s important that you log into your account and view your contest at least once per day during the Qualifying round, so you can give designers feedback on the designs they submit.

If you reach the end of the Qualifying round, and you’d like more time to accept entries from new designers, please contact our support team. You can also upload additional information in the design brief, including visual references to update the designers on which direction you would like to take. 

After the Qualifying round is complete, you will select finalists to move through to the Final round of your contest.

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