Can I submit animations or mockups of my designs to contests?

Mockups can be a great tool to help a client visualize the functionality of a design. 

For example, you can show a client the many ways their logo can be used by putting it on a business card and other branding collateral. However, designers can not submit fully-designed mockups. For example, you can not submit fully-designed business cards or stationery in a logo-only contest. 

Per our Code of Conductdesigners cannot submit additional designs that go beyond the scope of a brief or category. When you submit additional designs, it implies you will be providing free work as a part of contest package and is considered an unfair advantage. If a designer attempts to provide a client with extra work, their account is at risk of being suspended and/or put on hold.

In addition to fully-designed mock-ups, 99d does not support animated GIFs in Contests except for in the following places:

- Banner ad contests
- 1-to-1 Projects
- Portfolios
- Discover

We’ve seen some amazing mockups and animation and believe all of you should be fairly compensated for your work. We have introduced Add-ons, bundles and encourage 1-to-1s to help you upsell to your clients—and we hope you'll take advantage of it!

Additional Resources

Do's and Dont's of Design Mockups

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