Designer Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all Designers in our community and expresses the rules and behaviors we require to follow to keep the platform a fair, safe, and creative space to interact.

Following these requirements places all Designers in a better position to connect and be connected to Clients who look for design services on the platform, and helps them gain experience as well as fuels their inspiration. Moreover, failure to comply with this Code of Conduct as well as any applicable policies and guidelines will lead to suspensions, demotions, and ultimately a ban from the platform without the possibility of returning. 

Please review our penalty guidelines for more information.

Your promise to us

Submit only your best work.

We pride ourselves on nourishing a community of Designers that provide Clients with the best experience. In order to do so, we request you only submit work that meets our quality standards. 

Please review our Quality Standards to learn more.

Be original.

All Designers in the 99designs by Vista community must comply with intellectual property rights, including copyright, design rights and trademarks. Using others' work or elements of others' work and introducing them as your own is strictly forbidden. 

Please review our Originality Policy to learn more.

Use third-party material responsibly.

The use of any third-party material is prohibited unless the Designer has obtained a permission from any third-party to use the intellectual property rights subsisting in or relating to the third-party material. Where allowed, all use of third-party material on 99designs by Vista needs to be declared properly with the appropriate license information.

Please note that the use of third-party material in logo, art & illustration, and button/icon Contests is not permitted. Transparency and honesty are essential parts of successful and professional connections with Clients and are at the core of 99designs by Vista's values. 

Please review our Third-Party Material Policy to learn more.

Act professionally.

You are required to behave in a professional and respectful manner towards all Clients, Designers, and 99designs by Vista's staff members at all times. Any inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to aggressive, offensive, disrespectful or fraudulent behavior, bribery, slander, and threats, will not be tolerated and will be considered a breach of this Code of Conduct.  Any inappropriate or unprofessional behavior may be investigated and disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the penalty guidelines. 

We understand you may have disagreements with Clients or fellow Designers. However, we expect communication to always remain professional. If you cannot resolve a conflict by yourself, please get in touch with our Designer Support team, who are trained to assist you and mediate in such cases. 

Internal conflicts such as disagreements between Designers should remain confidential and should not be shared with Clients. 

Always follow through.

We ask all our Designers to always provide a competent service, and to only commit to work they can timely complete. This includes respecting the deadlines agreed upon in Design Contests and Projects, and exclusively offering designs that can be delivered. Becoming unresponsive in the middle of a Design Contest or Project can have severe consequences on Clients.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise but, if any unexpected situation occurs, please notify the Client as soon as possible and if need be, reach out to Designer Support. Do not set up deadlines you do not think you can meet and do not rush work by reducing its quality.

Keep work and communication on the platform.

It is 99designs by Vista’s mission to provide Designers and Clients with a secure, professional platform to connect and collaborate. Respecting this Code means that you promise to keep all interactions with clients on the platform. We advise you to also keep all communication with clients on the platform. In the event you want to have a phone or video call with a client, we ask that key points of the interaction are added on the relevant Contest or Projects messages section of the 99designs by Vista platform. Accessing this information on our platform is the only way we can support you in case of conflict.

Circumventing our payment system and receiving or attempting to receive payment off-platform is strictly forbidden. 

Please review our Non-circumvention Policy and our Terms & Conditions to learn more.

Respect the confidentiality of Clients.

99designs by Vista is a great place to build your online portfolio. However, some Clients may not want work to be publicized or even accessible by the public at all. Designers must respect the confidentiality preferences indicated by Clients and agreed upon in Design Contests and Projects and not disclose, display or share work that is subject to such confidentiality obligations.   

​​Please be aware that you could be subject to legal repercussions for sharing work or any other information that is subject to confidentiality obligations under a non-disclosure agreement. 


Our promise to you

In return for your compliance with our Code of Conduct, we promise you that:

We will connect you with new potential Clients.

The more you participate on 99designs, the more we can support you! As you provide design services on the platform, we will get a better understanding of the industries, styles, and categories that best fit your skills. This way we will be able to match you with Clients who come to the platform to look for design services.

We will reward your quality of work.

Our Curation team reviews all new Designer applications to determine which of our Designer levels fits you best. We may also review your portfolio to determine when you are ready for the next level. As your level increases, so do your opportunities on our platform! This includes a larger Design Contest selection and faster payouts.

We will provide payment assurances.

99designs by Vista ensures you are paid for all the work you provide and complete on our platform.

We will be here for you.

We facilitate the administrative side of things, like Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and the transfer of ownership, so you can focus on doing what you love most — creating great design. In the rare instance that you are unable to resolve an issue with a Client, 99designs by Vista will be there to help mediate the situation. We are also available to answer any questions you have and support you to resolve disputes you may encounter.

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