What is a logo design contest with extra design deliverables?

We know that many clients come to 99designs for more than just a logo design.  That’s why we’ve started selling extra design deliverables at the end of contests in certain categories.

Currently, at the end of logo design contests, we are giving clients the option to purchase a brand guide, business card designs, Facebook covers, letterhead & envelopes but this is just the beginning.  We plan to introduce more design deliverables as time goes on.  Other categories besides logo design that have the option of extra design deliverables are:

Business Card

Letterhead, Envelope, Facebook cover, Twitter header

PowerPoint Template

Letterhead, Envelope, Facebook cover, Twitter header, YouTube background


Business card, Facebook cover, Twitter header, YouTube background

Facebook Cover

Twitter header, YouTube background


How does the process work?

Once you’ve been selected to move into the final round, you’ll be asked whether you are interested in delivering extra design deliverables to the client in handover.

At the end of a contest when the client is about to award a winner, we present them with the option to buy additional design deliverables (if the winning design has already agreed to do so).  

If the client purchases additional designs, we immediately notify the winning designer via email with the requested designs (and revised prize amount) and extend the handover period to 10 days to give you more time.  

The winning designer can download ready-to-use templates to help complete the additional work.  Once the client has reviewed and approved all of the deliverables, the total prize (contest prize + extra deliverable prize) will be released to you as per a normal bundle contest.

Click below to download the templates:

What design files should I deliver to my clients?

For all Logo & identity designs, you’ll need to submit the following file formats:

  • The original, editable file (i.e. AI)
  • A vector EPS file in digital (RGB) format
  • A vector EPS file in print (CMYK) format
  • A web preview file (PNG, JPEG, PDF)

Check out this page for more information.  You can learn more about different file formats but checking out this page.

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