How do I submit a design into a contest?

Submitting a design is a breeze! 

Here is a checklist of things to look for if your having trouble submitting an entry. 

  1. Is your account verified?
  2. Is the contest only available to certain designers?
  3. Is your account limited?

Once you have reviewed this list and you are set to enter the contest follow the steps below to submit your design. 

From the contest page, click the orange "Submit Design"...  

Submit a design from the contest page



What to include in your design submission


1.  Make sure your design meets submission requirements
We want to ensure your entries look their best – especially on retina screens. That means having your submitted entries adhere to the following standards:

• Minimum size: 960 x 960px

• Maximum size: 2040 x 8160px

• File formats: PNG, GIF or JPG

• Color mode: RGB

2.  Cropping
To keep images consistent across the site, you'll need to submit your designs at a 1:1 aspect ratio. Use the cropping tool and thumbnail preview window to highlight the eye-catching details of your design, rather than squeezing multiple versions into one thumbnail – you don't want to make your client squint!

3.  Description
By including a description of your entry, you'll increase your chances of winning by helping your client better appreciate your design and the meaning behind it. 

4.  Stock Declaration
Enter the details of any licensed images you’ve included in your design.

5.  Requirements
Agree to abide by our designer guidelines by checking the box.

6.  Submit
Click the "Submit Design" button.

That’s it! You’ve submitted your design to the contest. Good luck!

Remember: These requirements are for contest entries only. Once you’ve won the contest, you will still need to deliver final files with the correct color mode, file formats and dimensions.

Still have questions about the handover? These articles will help:
- Understanding the difference between RGB and CMYK
- File formats explained: PDF, PNG and more
- 8 common print file mistakes and how to avoid them

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