Can I use generative AI in Design Contests?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that produces an output such as text or an image in response to user instructions (prompts) based on the datasets it is trained with. Both these datasets and the final output obtained through the AI tool may present issues related to the infringement of copyright or other Intellectual Property rights.

At 99designs we believe in the power of human creativity, but we also appreciate that new technologies and tools like generative AI open up exciting possibilities and efficiencies within the creative process. We view content created using generative AI tools (wholly or partially) as third party material, and treat it as such on our platform. 

Therefore, the use of generative AI tools is only allowed when:

  1. Clients have opted in and given their permission for designers to use generative AI tools in their brief
  2. And the contest is in a design category that permits the use of third party material

This means that generative AI is not allowed in the following contest categories: 

  • Logo design
  • Art & illustration
  • Button or icon design

In all other categories, the client will choose if they want to allow the use of gen AI or not as they fill in their contest brief, and this will be clearly labeled for designers to see. 


How do I know if I can use generative AI tools in a contest? 

If AI is NOT allowed:

If a client does not want generative AI tools to be used in their contest, this will be clearly labeled both on the contest search results page and in the brief. This clear labeling will also allow you to easily avoid contests where generative AI is allowed if that is your preference. 

For these contests, no AI is allowed under any circumstances and any concepts you submit must be entirely of your own creation. This also means that you may not use stock images containing AI generated content, even if the client has allowed the use of stock.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16.15.59.png

In contests where AI is not allowed, you will also see one of these notices in the design submission notes to the left of the brief: 

AI use not allowed per category AI use not allowed per clients choice
Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16.59.09.png Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16.58.52.png


If AI is allowed: 

In contests where clients have given permission for designers to use generative AI tools, there will be no label on the contest listings page but it will be clearly shown in the brief in the design submission notes. Even when it’s permitted, you do not have to use AI tools if you prefer not to - you will be prompted to declare whether or not you’ve used generative AI when you submit your design. 

AI use allowed per clients choice
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It’s important to remember that even in contests where clients have given permission for generative AI tools to be used and you choose to do so, 99designs’ quality and originality policies still apply, and you must still submit concepts with bespoke and original creative execution.

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