What is required for a stationery design?

In a Logo & brand identity pack or Stationery contest, your client will request a stationery design. Stationery includes both letterhead and envelope designs. 

Stationery requirements

The files expected at handover are:

  • An editable version of the final design (AI, PSD, PDF, EPS or INDD)
  • All web preview images (JPEG or PNG)
  • A link to purchase any commercial fonts used in the design
Other requirements include:
  • All files are saved in the CMYK color mode and 300dpi resolution
  • Include the print bleed
  • Remember space for stamp, return address and the back on envelopes
  • Don’t use borders unless letterhead will be professionally printed

Letterhead template downloads

US letterhead - 8.5" x 11"

Non-US A4 letterhead - 210 x 297mm

Envelope template downloads

#6 3/4 US envelope - 6.5" x 3.625"

#9 US envelope - 8.875" x 3.875"

#10 US envelope - 9.5" x 4.125"

Non-US envelope - 221 x 110mm

For more detailed information on stationery design, please visit our Designer Resource Center  


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