What fees do you charge for 1-to-1 Projects?

At 99designs, we’ve always strived to make our platform the best place for you to find and do work online. Connecting you with new clients, improving your workflow and driving more direct work to you is all part of that vision.

1-to-1 Project fees help support the 99designs platform so that we can continue to provide those opportunities to creatives and businesses around the world. Rather than charge a flat rate, 99designs fees are structured in a way that rewards repeat client relationships and platform success.

Client introduction fee

The client introduction fee covers the operational costs that 99designs incurs to find you new clients. These costs include on- and off-platform marketing of designers, search engine optimization, paid advertising, investment in designer/client search and matching algorithms, and more.

Designers are charged this fee each time you begin work with a new client. However, this fee will be waived when you win or are a finalist in a contest with this client (note: the contest handover will need to be complete for the fee to be waived.), or if the client has never previously used 99designs and you invite them to a 1-to-1 Project using the email invitation feature.

Learn more about the client introduction fee →

Platform fee

This platform fee is charged to both clients and designers for each 1-to-1 Project completed on our platform. This fee helps cover operational costs including secure payment holds, dispute resolution, community curation, anti-fraud measures, payout processing, educational resources and the ongoing development of the platform.

Clients are charged a fixed 5% fee, while designers’ fees decrease from 15% to 5% as their level increases.

Learn more about the platform fee →


Need help estimating fees before providing a quote? Here’s what to consider when creating a quote.


​Our payment providers may charge extra fees depending on your location. Check their websites to determine which option is most cost-effective for you.

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