When should I create a quote for a 1-to-1 Project?

The 1-to-1 Projects platform offers tools for designers to manage payment terms with their clients. Using projects, you can specify the work you’ll be delivering and send quotes that (when approved by your client) will convert into an invoice that’s ready to be paid and secured.

Before creating a quote, it’s a healthy habit to discuss the project scope with your client to set clear expectations.

Details we recommend discussing are:

  • Timeline: When is the official start date? Do you need to be present for certain working hours? How long should each revision take?
  • Deliverables: What is included in the project and how many variations are expected?
  • File Formats: What files does the client need?
  • Revision limit: How many revisions are included in your price? What is the price for additional revisions? 
  • Pricing and Payment Structure: How do you want to be paid and when? Are there any payment milestones that you'd like to set?
  • Project Cancellation: What happens if the project ends early for some reason? Is there a certain amount of time that the client can request a full or partial refund? 
  • Confidentiality: Do you charge more for private projects or NDAs? Can you publicly share your work after a certain amount of time?   
  • Additional Terms: Are there any other custom terms you want to include in your project? 

Once you and you client have reached a clear agreement, you are ready to create your quote. For your protection, we suggest not starting any work until payment has been secured.

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