Client Guidelines

1. Respect the community: Be polite and professional when communicating with the designers and 99designs staff.

2. Be clear: You get what you ask for, so be as clear as possible in describing your project.

3. Provide regular feedback: Feedback is the key to getting a great result! You don’t have to comment on every design, but remember: designers won’t know how you feel unless you tell them.

4. One design task per contest: We know it’s tempting to try to run a single contest for your logo, website and business cards, but this is not allowed on 99designs. Contests like that are impossible to manage. If you want, you can work with the winning designer from your first contest directly for additional design tasks in a 1-1 Project, or simply start more contests for the extra work.

5. Keep it clean: Please do not post a contest that contains objectionable subject matter — nothing obscene, pornographic or offensive is allowed here.

6. Respect copyright: Do not ask one designer to copy the work of another designer. Remember, you only own the designs that you pay for.

7. Be honest: Run a fair competition. Don’t misrepresent yourself, create multiple accounts, or attempt to defraud 99designs or the design community.

Guidelines updated March, 7 2016.

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