How can I get more attention for my contest?

There’s lots of things that you can do to help increase participation from our design community! As a client running a design contest you’re competing for the attention of the best designers on offer, the same way designers are competing for your attention with their best entries in your contest.

You’ll see here there’s things you can do yourself and added promotional upgrades we offer to help increase exposure but we’d recommend these things first!

A catchy and unique contest title 

This will help catch a designers eye when they’re browsing the listings. Once you have them, your brief will help keep them engaged, let them know what they need to do and will generally result in a higher participation rate. 

Your brief 

Is one of the most essential items to running a great contest as it has lots of useful information on styles you like, things to avoid and general information about what your company does. This will help the initial concepts that come through be as close as they can be and you can use your contest to refine with the best designs until you’re ready to pick a winner! 

Your feedback 

In all shapes and forms is vital to getting a great result. Feel free to decline designs you don’t quite like or don’t meet your brief, use the star ratings to rank and give designers a feeling for where they sit in the contest and reserve private comments for anything that shows potential. Designers are wanting to work with you and are very personable. They can also see how much feedback you’re providing and will use it as a gauge as to whether they’ll enter.

These coupled with some of our great promotional upgrade options will give your contest every opportunity!

Other ways to attract more designers to your contest are to increase the prize on offer, and to guarantee to choose a winner for your contest. **Note that none of these upgrades can be reversed.

You can easily upgrade your contest by clicking the ellipsis button "..."  as shown below: 

Any additional questions regarding how to get more attention for your contest? Feel free to contact support

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