Why can’t I post my contact information on my profile?

This is one of the many ways 99designs works to ensure your information is secure, and in return, we kindly urge you to keep your information secure. As such, listing your email address, phone number, or other direct contact details on your public profile is not allowed. Publicly listing your contact details can make you more susceptible to unsolicited messages, spam, and even phishing attack attempts. 

Posting your personal contact information is also in direct conflict with the "Invite to work" button just below your profile cover image. We want to encourage clients to open a 1-to-1 Project and secure payment with you and directing potential clients away from 99designs may confuse and delay them from getting started.

Posting your personal contact details also encourages circumvention, which is against our site policies. Any designer caught taking payments from our clients outside the 99designs platform will lose their account permanently. Please make sure you read and understand our non-circumvention policy here

Not to mention, the more projects you complete on 99designs, the more visibility you get from the search and matching algorithms. And, by keeping all communications and payments on our platform, you get the safety and security of knowing 99designs can assist if anything goes wrong. It benefits you to keep building great stats and great client relationships here on 99designs. 

If you see a designer profile that is breaking the rules, please report them to our support team here

You may include a link to your personal portfolio website in order to better showcase your prior experience and other areas of expertise not shown in your 99d portfolio. This link may not go to a contact form, job board, hiring marketplace, or any other method of direct contact or hiring a freelancer.


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