Availability Status and Responsiveness Score

Responsiveness score

Your responsiveness score is the percentage of 1-to-1 Project invitations you respond to within the first 24 hours. The score will help set client expectations for how quickly you typically respond.

The responsiveness score will be displayed in the “About” tab on your profile:


And as a small notation within the 1-to-1 Project invitation flow:


This score is calculated using your last fifty invitations. You need to have at least ten 1-to-1 Project invitations for the score to be displayed and the score favors recency, so don’t worry too much if your score isn’t currently where you want it to be.


Availability Status

If you are going away on vacation or otherwise too busy to accept invitations for new work, you can set your availability status to indicate that you are unavailable for new work.

Setting your status so you are not available for new work will prevent clients from sending new contest and project invitations. You will still be able to submit to the Contests and Projects you are already participating in, but you will not be able to start new ones until you switch your status back to available. Clients that have added you to their favorites list or that you have worked with previously will still be able to message you, but will be warned that you are not available for new work. 

You can change your availability status by editing your profile.

1) From the "Your account" screen, click the "Edit" button next to your "About" section.


2) Scroll down to the "Available for new work" section and ensure the box is checked and click "Save".


Please allow a few minutes for the change to take effect. 


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