What is the licensed content declaration?

The Licensed Content Declaration gives designers an opportunity to declare the third-party elements they've used in their designs.  


How to correctly fill in each field for the screenshot above:

•  If your design is 100% original:  click on “This design is all my own” when submitting your design.sign.

•  If you’ve made use of third-party elements: click on 'this work contains elements that are not my own', then enter the details of all the third-party clipart or stock images you’ve used.

•  If the elements will need to be purchased by the contest holder: check the 'must purchase checkbox'. You can leave this checkbox unchecked if the element’s license allows for free commercial use.

•  Acknowledgment of requirements: make sure to check the box next to 'I have read and understand the above requirements' to confirm you have done so.


Here’s a Screenshot of how your declaration might look if you’ve completed it correctly:






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