How do I award a winner?

You have 14 days after the contest has ended to pick a winning design. However, if you discover a winning design early, you can award a winner at anytime!

To award a winner in your contest, follow these steps:

1. Go to the ‘Designs’ tab and click on the ‘+' above the design you wish to award the prize to.


2. Then click the 'Confirm winning design' button.



You can also award a winner from the fullscreen view for any design in your contest. To do this simply select ‘Award winner’ found in the top right of the fullscreen design view.


3. Next, you’ll be asked to confirm that you wish to award that design as the winner. Please ensure that you’ve selected the correct design and then click on the "Yes, it's the best!" button to confirm them as the winner.


Pro Tip:
Once you’ve confirmed your winning design, your contest will enter the Handover stage. During the Handover stage you will be able to request minor design revisions before the prize is released to your winning designer.

You can also award multiple winners if you like more than one design.

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